Father’s Day Fishing, 2023

19 June 2023

 The boys and I did our annual Father’s Day Fishing Outing today.  Last year we did this for the first time out in the kayaks in Narragansett Bay.  This year we got a lot more fancy. Matt got a new boat, a Grady White 18 footer, and we decided to take it out into Buzzards Bay for a guy’s day on the boat. There was myself and my sons Jon, Matt and Ben.  Chris, my fourth son, could not make it and is having me over for dinner tomorrow.

Buzzards Bay is a place that offers variety plus.  And, that’s just what we got.  We landed some stripers. big numbers of bluefish, lots of black sea bass, a lot of scup and even a couple of fluke. We had great weather and could hit a number of spots in the Bay. Topwater lures got the stripers and blues while vertical jigging with skinny metal got the black sea bass, scup and fluke.

I cherish these days of fishing with the kids. We all share a common love of the water and fishing. And, today was just one more chapter in the book of life. 

Jon, myself, Matt and Ben

Ben got the first striper of the day, a hefty schoolie.

Matt lands a good size fluke.

I got myself a decent bluefish.

This was one of many black sea bass. Most were small but feisty.

Jon had this hefty schoolie.

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