Hurricane Tracker

29 August 2023

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Food and water should last for 72 hours: Make sure you have enough supplies to last everyone in the house for at least 72 hours. More is better!
Quality Water Filter: Clean drinking water is a top priority. Get a quality water filter!
Use good food rotation practices: If you’re keeping an emergency kit stocked with some food supplies, replace food items every six months to ensure freshness and safety.
Be aware of “boil water” alerts: After a storm, you may have to boil water for a few days due to flooded wells, spilled sewage and other contamination.
Get out your ice chest: Fill an ice chest with ice or dry ice before and after the storm to keep food cold.
Canned foods: Canned meat, fish, fruits, soups, milk and vegetables are all smart, easy-to-prepare options.
Stock up on non-perishable foods: The power will probably go out, so acquire foods that don’t require refrigeration.
Cooking without electricity: Fill your BBQ grill tank. Do you have a camp stove?
Use camping gear: If you have basic camping gear like a small grill, you can make simple meals while the power’s out.
Baby formula, diapers: Don’t forget to store enough baby formula, baby food, diapers, if this applies to your situation.


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