RNLI Safety Roadshow at the Autumn Open Weekend.

1 September 2023

The RNLI Safety Roadshow have confirmed they will attend our Autumn Open Weekend Event on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2023! 

Lifejacket Clinic

One bit of equipment that could let you be your own life-saver is a lifejacket but these are only effective if they’re in good condition and regularly maintained. The RNLI will be holding a clinic at our Open Weekend where specially-trained volunteers will inspect your lifejacket, help you find and fix any problems and show you how to carry out your own safety checks .

Lifejacket inspections at the Open Weeeknd

Stay Safe on The Water

Between 2011 and 2015, 50 anglers lost their lives while fishing around the UK coast. In 2016 alone, RNLI lifeboat volunteers rescued 923 anglers from vessels. Figures like that reinforce the value of the RNLI Safety Roadshows, come along and visit the team instore 22nd-24th of September Bring your Lifejacket for testing at their clinic and pick up some expert advice for safety on the water. 

Alongside the safety advice at
these shows, they have historical documents and personal stories that reflect
the role the charity has played in our communities. This August to celebrate
their bicentennial, the RNLI have launched their “200 Voices Podcast”
in the run up to the RNLI anniversary. Two hundred voices are telling true
tales of how their lives have been touched by the charity – and how they have
played a part.

“Listen to a new voice every
day, for 200 days, from around and across the UK and Ireland – and beyond. With
stories of kindness, courage and pride, all sharing how the charity’s
lifesavers have made a difference – and continue to help save lives today.”

From Lifeboat to shore crew or charity fundraisers, if
you’re interested in becoming a volunteer visit

There really is something for everyone at these events, that’s why they are the biggest in Scotland – and this one promises to be the biggest ever! With FREE parking and FREE entry, there will be loads of things to see and do on the Open Weekend as well as some amazing bargains on all types of fishing tackle. Keep an eye out on FacebookTwitterInstagram and instore for more info on what’s going on at this event! Plus don’t forget to register for your FREE GIFT on the day! Click HERE for details!

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