Frigate Reserve Rum: A Serendipitous Origin

2 October 2023

In a recent sit-down with Brian from Mad River Outfitters, the legendary angler and outdoorsman, Flip Pallot, shared the captivating story behind the birth of Frigate Reserve Rum. The origin of this celebrated rum started one chilly night in Abaco, the Bahamas. 

Flip and a few friends, after a day of bonefishing, sat around a campfire sharing their favorite rums, daydreaming about starting their own rum company. 

Fast forward through several serendipitous events, Graham Hegemeyer, one of the friends, took the idea seriously. 

Through research, the group sought the expertise of Don Pancho Fernandez, a master distiller renowned for his work on iconic Cuban rums, now based in Panama.

The quest to create not just any rum but the best rum led them to Don Pancho. With reserves aging for 8, 15, and 21 years, Frigate Reserve Rum is a true testament to their dedication and passion for the craft. 

Their commitment to authenticity and quality didn’t stop at the rum itself. The unique crooked bottle design was inspired by a hand-blown British rum bottle from the 1600s found in Abaco.

After all the hard work and determination, Frigate Reserve Rum made its mark globally. During the International Rum Symposium held in South Florida, their eight-year reserve won a bronze medal, and their 21-year reserve snagged two gold medals. 

Proudly, Flip and his team can say that they currently have the best rum in the world. Whether you’re a seasoned rum connoisseur or someone looking to try something new, Frigate Reserve Rum promises an unmatched taste experience.

Are you intrigued by the tale of this exceptional rum? Dive deeper into the story by watching the full interview with Flip Pallot on the Mad River Outfitters YouTube channel. Don’t miss out!

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