Carp on the Fly: A Conversation with Brad Befus, President of Scientific Anglers

27 July 2023

In a recent interview on our YouTube channel, Brian and the President of Scientific Anglers, Brad Befus, discussed the influential book “Carp on the Fly” Originally published in 1997, this book has become the go-to resource for fly fishermen interested in pursuing carp. 

Brad Befus, along with Barry Reynolds and John Berryman, wrote the book, which has inspired countless anglers over the years. In the interview, Brad shares the story behind the book and highlights the challenges and joys of fly fishing for carp.

The Birth of “Carp on the Fly”: Brad Befus recalls how he and Barry Reynolds came up with the idea for the book. Both of them had independently discovered the thrill of fishing for carp and realized that it was an untapped subject in the fly fishing world. 

They saw an opportunity to bring attention to this overlooked species and provide a valuable resource for anglers looking to catch carp on the fly. With their combined knowledge and experiences, they created a book that offered approaches, tips, and insights into carp behavior and fly fishing techniques.

Expanding Horizons

The interview also touches on how “Carp on the Fly” influenced other fly fishing enthusiasts, including Brian Flechsig himself. 

Brian discusses how the book served as an inspiration for his own endeavors and how it influenced the creation of the “Carp on the Fly” video. The video, released a few years later, complemented the book by showcasing additional techniques and environments for carp fishing. 

Brian and Brad express their gratitude to the legendary fly angler Dave Whitlock, who played a pivotal role in popularizing carp fishing and imparting his wisdom to future generations.

A Testament to Carp Fishing

“Carp on the Fly” continues to be a valuable resource for fly anglers, providing insights into the technical aspects of targeting carp and revealing their opportunistic feeding habits. 

The book has paved the way for a growing interest in carp fishing and has helped anglers appreciate the challenges and rewards of pursuing this unique species. 

Whether you’re an experienced angler or a novice, “Carp on the Fly” offers a wealth of knowledge to enhance your fly fishing adventures.

The interview with Brad Befus sheds light on the origins and significance of the book “Carp on the Fly.” For those intrigued by the idea of fly fishing for carp, this conversation provides a captivating glimpse into the world of carp angling. 

To gain a deeper understanding and learn from the experts, it is highly recommended to watch the full video on the Mad River Outfitters YouTube channel

Additionally, make sure to pick up a copy of “Carp on the Fly” from their website to expand your fly fishing horizons and embark on exciting carp fishing expeditions.

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