Flip Pallot “Fly Fishing School Weekend”

19 October 2022

Mad River Outfitters and the MIdwest Fly Fishing Schools are proud to present:

Flip Pallot Fly Fishing School Weekend

featuring Flip Pallot and Brian Flechsig

January 27th- 29th, 2023

held at Flip’s house in Mims, Florida

You should plan on arriving in Orlando during the day on Friday, January 27th and renting a car. The festivities will begin around 6:30 at Flip’s house in Mims so give yourself enough time to get from Orlando (or Daytona), get situated in your hotel room and grab a quick bite to eat.  

Friday night, the group will meet at Flip’s house around 6:30 p.m. for check-in and meet-and-greet. Around 7:00 p.m. we’ll have an official orientation and go over the plan for the weekend. We’ll then have some more Frigate Reserve Rum, tell some stories and wrap things up around 9:00 p.m.

On Saturday, we’ll convene at 9:00 a.m., again at Flip’s house and get the ball rolling. The morning session will include discussions on Rods, Reels, Lines and Flies, as well as general techniques. We will also have a discussion and presentation on Advanced Fly Casting Techniques, that will of course be applied later in the day.

Lunch on Saturday will be from Noon- 1 p.m. and will be basic sandwiches and fixins. We will then head over to Titusville, about 20 minutes away, to the Renzetti Inc. Factory and Facility. We will be given a one hour tour of this amazing company and get to see the behind the scenes on how their vises, tools and accessories are made. Special thanks to Lily and Andy Renzetti for making this possible!!!

We will then head out back of the factory, into their field there,  and spend the rest of the afternoon in a hands-on, advanced fly casting clinic. Flip and Brian have promised to “blow your minds” and promise to make you much better fly casters! You’ll want to have an 8-10wt rod rigged up for this. Around 4:00 p.m., Flip will conduct a “Fly Casting Final Exam” to ensure that you come away from this weekend a much, much better fly caster and can continue to improve, based on what you have learned.

This “exam” will include a video of you casting with Flip coaching and will be sent to you after the class. A keepsake memory from your experience with a legend!

***Please note that this will be an extremely “advanced” fly casting class. It will be assumed that all participants are good casters and well versed at double hauling and the like. This class is designed to make very good casters into very excellent casters. 

The day will wrap up there at Renzetti around 5:00 p.m. and you can head back to your hotel and enjoy some supper and the evening.

Sunday morning we will again meet at Flip’s house at 9:00 a.m. We will start the morning with a detailed class on proper leader building and knot tying. We will also touch on some other subjects such as properly hooking, playing and landing fish and more. We will also try to squeeze in an hour of Q & A and open discussion to make sure that you get your questions answered by these two veterans. Lunch will again be provided around Noon, and will be grilled up by Flip and Brian on Flip’s famous Traeger grill and will most likely feature some game that he harvested himself. This will certainly be a celebratory meal!

After lunch, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. we will close the school, take some group photos and dismiss the group.

You can then head to the airport or back to your hotel, depending on your travel arrangements. 

***If anyone is interested in doing some fishing while in Florida, on either end of the trip, Brian and Flip have mentioned that they would be happy to put you in touch with some good local guides. Just let us know and we’ll be happy to pass along the information. 

Included in this trip: Happy Hour and Orientation on Friday night, School, Lunch and Renzetti Tour on Saturday, School and Lunch on Sunday. All school materials related to the Knots and Leaders Class. 

Not Included in this trip: Transportation to Mims, Florida, Lodging, Rod and Reel Set-Up for the Fly Casting Clinics

Click Here learn more or to register for this very special event!

“Brian and I will transform you into better fly anglers…….period. And……… a ton of fun will be had along the way”- Flip Pallot

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