Loads of Bait, Cormorants and Gulls Diving, but Where’s the Stripers?

3 November 2023


A big pile of mackerel at dark saved the day
which had been disappointing. The bait is around
but the stripers are in short supply as November
gets off to a slow start.
Today was a strange day.  In fact, it has been a strange week that brought big numbers of small bait to the shore along with birds diving.  But, stripers have been in short supply.  Everywhere I went today I saw cormorants and gulls working close to shore, but I only saw exactly four stripers caught by loads of fishermen who were trying. I also saw very few stripers breaking on the bait. My only saving grace was at dark when I found big schools of mackerel (bullet or Spanish (no sure)) feasting on the bait and more than willing to hit my small NLBN offering. In addition, I was able to coax one striper into hitting  my swimmer  after dark in the same area where I found the macks.

So, here we are entering November. It has not been a memorable October for shore fishermen along the oceanfront here in RI. And, things are starting off very slowly for shore fishermen in November. I’m hoping it perks up quickly because we are staring at about three to four weeks left to our season.

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