Newsflash- Striper Regulations About to Change

4 May 2023

” On May 2, 2023, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Striped Bass Management Board (Board) voted to take emergency action to implement a 1 fish at 28 to less than 31 size slot limit for all ocean recreational striped bass fisheries coastwide.

This action responds to the unprecedented magnitude of 2022 recreational harvest, which is nearly double that of 2021, and new projections indicating that the stock has a very low chance of rebuilding if the higher 2022 fishing morality rate continues. The 31 size restriction is designed to reduce harvest on the 2015 year-class, one of the last strong yearclasses in the population, and a major factor in the recreational fishery’s increased harvest in 2022.

States must implement compliant measures as soon as possible and no later than July 2, 2023 or risk being found out-of-compliance and having a full harvest moratorium enacted. The emergency action will be in place for 180 days but could be extended by the Board. See the ASMFC press release for more information. The ASMFC will be holding informational webinars later in May on this action; details will be released as soon as possible.”

Here’s my thoughts on this:

*Kind of crazy to have a three inch slot.  What’s next, 28 to 29 inches. If the stripers are in such bad shape, why not have a moratorium now?

*Changing regs in mid season will be a nightmare to enforce.  Heck, many in the fishing population have no idea what the current regs are right now.

* No mention in all of this about commerical fishing restrictions. Will their numbers be lowered too?

* In a state like RI, poaching is rampant. Any plans to deal with that?

*What set this all off was the big recreational harvest last year in which fishermen took out double what was caught in 2021. Big problem here is that anglers are allowed one fish a day. You can’t believe how many fishermen will take a fish every single day and if they fish with spouse and kids, they will take one for each of them also. All legal, but not helping the fishery.  Another argument for shutting it down.

* I see a high mortality rate coming from those fishing with live pogies in the Bay.  Generally it is those 31 to 35 inch fish that are caught using this bait. Even when using a circle hook, expect a lot of gut hooked fish that will have to be released dead.

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