Peanut Bunker Fuels Wild Blitzes

16 August 2022

 I saw my first schools of peanut bunker yesterday along the oceanfront, and I also saw some wild blitzes of stripers.  At one point, the bass had the bunker pinned right up against the shore. They were after the peanuts in mere inches of water.  Most of the stripers are hefty schoolies in the 22 to 27 inch range that tend to be fussy.  I did land very good numbers of them in the last two days. I also had several slot fish from 28 to 30 inches.  Small artificials like three inch Cocahoes, bucktails off a float and Rebel Jumpin’ Minnows were all working. 

If you didn’t know it, you’d think this was an October blitz.


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