RNLI 200 Years – 200 Voices

7 September 2023

Next year marks the 200th
Anniversary of the RNLI, two centuries of saving lives all around the coast of
the British Isles. There have been scores of anglers who got to go home to
their families because of the RNLI after getting in trouble at sea over the
years and they’re still out there in all weathers. I’m always glad to catch up
with our local RNLI Lifeboat Station volunteers around their safety roadshows
when they’re at the Angling Centre
Open Weekends or the Scottish Boat Show.

Alongside the safety advice at
these shows, they have historical documents and personal stories that reflect
the role the charity has played in our communities. This August to celebrate
their bicentennial, the RNLI have launched their “200 Voices Podcast
in the run up to the RNLI anniversary. Two hundred voices are telling true
tales of how their lives have been touched by the charity – and how they have
played a part.

“Listen to a new voice every
day, for 200 days, from around and across the UK and Ireland – and beyond. With
stories of kindness, courage and pride, all sharing how the charity’s
lifesavers have made a difference – and continue to help save lives today.”

Discover how the RNLI – the
charity that saves lives at sea – has been saving and changing lives since
1824. The short episodes feature the of brave lifesavers, grateful survivors,
selfless volunteers, kind supporters, fascinating experts and more, all sharing
their own special RNLI stories.”

The series so far has touched on
everything from the launch of the institution in the early 1800s by Sir William
Hillary to stories of dramatic rescues and families reunited to celebrities
like Jim Moir’s (aka Bob Mortimer’s cohort Vic Reeves) Art fundraisers to help fund the charity he
sees every day saving lives at sea. These 10-15 minute episodes are a fantastic
heartwarming view into a charity that goes above and beyond every day of the


Join The Team

The charity’s lifeboats, stations and the RNLI’s fundraising team all need
a dedicated volunteer crew. Volunteers are the heart of the RNLI and make up
95% of its people. Hundreds of ordinary people who give a little or a lot of
their time to support the RNLI and make their own lifesaving difference.

Lifeboat to shore crew or charity fundraisers, if
you’re interested in becoming a volunteer visit


Be Safe At Sea
Between 2011 and 2015, 50 anglers lost their lives while fishing around
the UK coast. In 2016 alone, RNLI lifeboat volunteers rescued 923 anglers from
vessels. Figures like that reinforce the value in the RNLI Safety Roadshows,
come along and visit the team at the Glasgow Angling Centre Open Weekend 22nd-24th
September. Bring
your Life Jacket for testing at their clinic and pick up some expert advice for
safety on the water.



Need Help?

If you need support, please send an email to [email protected].