Uptick in Activity…..Is the Fall Run Starting?

15 September 2024

Here’s one taken from the kayak
last evening. There has been a big
uptick in activity the last few days.
 Fishing is improving.  Just maybe a fall run is underway.  We’ll see if it continues. Here’s what’s been happening in the last few days:

*Out in the kayak in the Bay, I’ve landed 16 fish, a combination of stripers and blues.  I saw a lot of bait and fish feeding.

*My son, Jon, has also been out in the kayak where he landed 45 bass up to slot size in the last couple of days.  He was fishing a different area than I was fishing telling me there are fish spreading out in different spots.

* Bonito are still running along the oceanfront as I have friends that are getting them. It continues to be a hit or miss deal but they are around. They guys are putting in a big effort and it’s paying off.

* One of my friends called to say he was watching a school of fish today working on top close to shore along the oceanfront.  It was the first time he has seen this this year.

* Another friend told me he was into blitz type action with stripers a couple of days ago.  He said they were on big schools of peanut bunker moving along the shore.

* Finally, my son Chris sent me a video of stripers breaking for bait all along the beach for the last two days near his beach house at the Cape.  They were on the Cape Cod Bay side one day and on the Vineyard Sound side the other day. They are moving!

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